CMi for Chairs and Non Executives

Stepping up to the Board

A profoundly different and distinctive leadership challenge awaits those aspiring to Chair a Board for the first time or step into a Non Executive role

It involves embarking on a subtle transition from operator to influencer, from counsellor to consensus builder, and above all from talker to listener.

Hard-won real-life wisdom

When helping others to become successful Chairs and Non-Executive Directors, each of our Mentors brings vast experience and a deep understanding to the boardroom table. They also share their expertise and their “tools of the trade” so current or future issues that the mentee may face can be addressed with confidence.

“Being able to discuss the challenges of a new major NED role with an independent mentor adds real value and focus. My CMi Mentor gave me space to test and weigh ideas, the feedback was direct – based on years of experience and wisdom and tailored to situations. The CMi network is unique, extensive and international.”

Sylvie Gregoire, Non-Executive Director, Novo Nordisk AS

More Mentoring services

CMi for CEOs current and future

CMi for Senior Executives

CMi for CFOs