Staffan Bohman

Major Career Roles

  • Chair, Electrolux AB
  • Independent Board member, Atlas Copco AB
  • Chair, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) and the German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce
  • Board member and Audit Committee Chair, Atlas Copco AB

Other Career Highlights

  • Chair, Höganäs AB, Ipco AB and Cibes Liftgroup AB
  • President and CEO, DeLaval AB, Gränges AB and Sapa AB
  • Vice Chair, Scania AB, Rezidor Hotel Group AB and Swedfund International AB
  • Trelleborg AB, Boliden AB, Upplands Motor Holding AB and Inter-IKEA Holding NV

Staffan Bohman is an very experienced Chair and CEO of OMX Stockholm 30 and other private and public sector companies. Staffan has gained this experience from over 30 years of international senior leadership which has resulted in a multi-industry knowledge in household products, diversified industrials, automotive, and hospitality.

Staffan Bohman is currently Chair of The Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) and the German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce.

He has previously been Chair of Electrolux AB, Höganäs AB, Ipco AB and Cibes Liftgroup AB, as well as Vice Chair of Scania AB, Rezidor Hotel Group AB and Swedfund International AB, Upplands Motor Holding AB, and served on the Boards of Trelleborg AB, Boliden AB, Inter-IKEA Holding NV, and Atlas Copco AB where he was Audit Committee Chair. Prior to this he was President and CEO of DeLaval AB, Gränges AB and Sapa AB.

Staffan has successfully led businesses both as CEO and Chair and has deep industrial experience from global companies.

Staffan has engaged as investor and Board Member in a number of start-ups and privately owned companies. Between 2009 and 2014 he was Chair of the social welfare and hospital organisation Ersta in Stockholm and has been Vice Chair of the Swedish Corporate Governance Board.

Staffan has also been honoured with the German Order of Merit, 1st Class and is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.