Jean-Louis Chaussade

Major Career Roles

  • Chair and former CEO, Suez
  • Independent Director, Criteria CaixaHolding SAU
  • Lead Independent Board member, Kaufman & Broad SA
  • CEO, Dumez Copisa (Spain)

Other Career Highlights

  • Chair and former CEO, Degrémont
  • Independent Director, Acea SpA

Jean-Louis Chaussade is an experienced Chair and CEO of CAC40, CAC All-Tradeable, Euronext 100 and SBF 120 companies. Over more than 25 years he has acquired senior-leadership experience combined with multi-industry knowledge in utilities, building, government, oil and gas.

Jean-Louis was Chair of Suez, the world’s leading environmental company dedicated to water and waste management, after having been its CEO for 15 years. He was also previously Chair and CEO of Degrémont and CEO of Dumez Copisa (Spain). Currently, he is an Independent Director of Criteria CaixaHolding SAU.

Throughout his career Jean-Louis has served in a number of external public and private organisations.

He serves as a Chair of JLCH Conseil, Special Adviser of Accuracy (large French consulting firm), Chair of the Board of the Université Technologique de Compiègne, Non-Executive Board member of Kaufman & Broad SA and a member of Anand Group Supervisory Board in India.

Jean-Louis is a Director of Criteria CaixaHolding SAU, Vice President of the France-China Committee, a member of the Board of the Institut du Capitalisme Responsable (ICR) and SIBAC Vice Chair. He is also a member of the Board of the IAGF (Association Initiatives pour l’avenir des Grands Fleuves).

Jean-Louis was a member of the Chongqin Mayor’s International Economic Advisory Board (CMIA) from 2019 to 2020.