Dame Clara Furse

Major Career Roles

  • Chair, HSBC UK Bank plc
  • CEO, London Stock Exchange Group plc
  • External Member, Bank of England’s Financial Policy Committee (FPC)
  • Lead Independent Director, UK Department for Work and Pensions
  • Chair, Nomura Bank International plc

Other Career Highlights

  • Non-Executive Director and Committee Chair, Amadeus IT Group SA
  • Non-Executive Director, Nomura Holdings Inc.
  • Non-Executive Director, Legal & General Group plc
  • Non-Executive Director, Euroclear plc
  • Non-Executive Director, LCH Clearnet Group Ltd
  • Non-Executive Director, Fortis SA
  • Group CEO, Credit Lyonnais Rouse
  • Managing Director and Global Head of Futures, UBS
  • Non-Executive Director, Vodafone Group plc
  • Non-Executive Director, Generali Assicurazioni SpA
  • Non-Executive Director, Committee Chair and Deputy Chair, Liffe Holdings Ltd

Dame Clara Furse is an experienced Chair with a wealth of professional experience and expertise within financial services, telecommunications, travel industry networks, technology and digital transformation.

Dame Clara is Chair of HSBC UK Bank plc, the ringfenced bank of HSBC Group plc. She is a NonExecutive Director of Generali Assicurazioni SpA. She is a member of the Panel of Senior Advisers to Chatham House and Chair of the UK Voluntary Carbon Markets Forum. Previously she was a Non-Executive Director of Vodafone Group plc.

Dame Clara’s executive career has spanned a broad range of global financial markets.

She was appointed as the first female CEO of the London Stock Exchange Group, a FTSE 100 company, in January 2001. From 2013 to 2016, she was a member of the Bank of England’s Financial Policy Committee.

In 2007, Dame Clara was listed among Time’s 100 most influential people in the world. In 2008, she was appointed DBE. In 2012, she chaired the Lead Expert Group of the UK Government’s Office for Science Foresight Project on the future of computer trading in financial markets.